Are Scent Diffusers Safe for Pets?

Oil and scent diffusers can bring a sense of calm and healing to people. Some even say they have natural medicinal benefits. But what about our animal friends?

If you live with a pet, it’s important to consider how your favorite essential oil diffuser may affect their health. After all, the body of a cat or dog is much different than that of a human.

Before you plug in your diffuser, read on to learn about scent diffuser safety and pets.

Are Scent Diffusers Harmful to Pets?

While scent diffusers are common in many people’s homes, they’re not always safe for the pets living there.

Here are some of the most common risks for pets.

Heat and Chemical Burns

Coming in contact with a diffuser that uses heat could lead to a painful burn for your furry friend. That’s why heat-free options like ultrasonic and cold-air diffusers might be a good option for pet owners. Read more about the benefits of these diffusers here.

Keep in mind that even without heat, chemical burns can still hurt pets and their skin. That’s why it’s always best to keep room scent diffusers in a location away from pets, such as high on a sturdy shelf.

Toxic Oils

Your essential oil diffuser may smell amazing, but it can be toxic to your animal companion.

Common oils that are harmful to some pets include:

  • cinnamon
  • pine
  • tea tree
  • thyme
  • wintergreen
  • lemongrass
  • ylang ylang
  • oregano
  • citrus

Always check with your vet to confirm if your favorite scent is safe for Fido and Fluffy.

Harmful Droplets

Droplets are often invisible to the naked eye, but your pet might notice them.

These droplets, produced by active diffusers (compared to passive diffusers such as reed diffusers) disperse scents and oils into the air. Then, these droplets may make their way into your animal’s lungs or onto their skin or fur. This could be enough to cause skin irritation, breathing problems, and even neurological symptoms.

How to Keep Your Pet Safe

While there are some risks of using aroma diffusers with animals, in many cases, you don’t have to abandon your diffuser altogether.

Keep your pet safe with these essential pointers:

  • get your vet’s approval before using a new oil or fragrance
  • avoid using any aroma diffuser if your pet has asthma or other respiratory conditions
  • never put essential oils or scents directly on your pet’s skin, fur, or feathers
  • place your diffuser far away from your pet
  • keep your home well-ventilated
  • call your vet or emergency animal clinic if you notice unusual symptoms including sneezing, coughing, lethargy, weakness, watery eyes, or vomiting

Heal Without Harming Your Furry Friend

Scent diffusers can be a staple in healing and relaxation routines. And by taking certain precautions, you can still enjoy your favorite essential oils and fragrances, without hurting your beloved pet.

Ready for more self-care? Check out our latest shopping articles for more ways to treat yourself!

Filomena Hartmann