Can Injectables Get Rid of Cellulite?


Did you know that upwards of 90% of women have cellulite? While it affects bother men and women, it affects women at a higher rate.

While cellulite doesn’t hurt you, it may cause you to be self-conscious about certain body parts. But what is cellulite?

Cellulite varies in degree, with the most severe form of cellulite being visible skin dimples when you sit, stand, or lay down. It’s a harmless skin condition that leads to dimpled, lumpy skin on the buttocks, things, abdomen, and hips.

Luckily, there are ways to get rid of cellulite. This article discusses ways to treat cellulite using injectables, so be sure to keep reading.

What Are Cellulite Injections?

QWO for cellulite and only approved cellulite injectible. Although cellulite treatments have previously relied on lasers, QWO is the least invasive treatment that’s shown visible results.

It’s used for moderate to severe cellulite in the buttocks of adult women. Two areas may be treated at each visit, with each buttock receiving as many as 12 injections. You can repeat treatment every 21 days for 3 visits.

How Do Cellulite Injections Work?

Your doctor will administer QWO injections directly into any dimples on your buttocks. You can receive up to 12 injections at a single treatment. Two treatments may require 24 injections.

QWO is thought to target collages types 1 and 3. This releases the septae, releasing the dimple to make the skin appear smoother. It’s thought that the best results are when QWO is injected three times, 21 days apart.

Do Cellulite Injections Work?

QWO has been FDA approved for a woman’s cellulite formed in the buttocks. Clinical trials showed very promising data, with a reduction in the severe dimpling in the buttock area.

During the study, women were given three injections each, spaced apart by 21 days. Although QWO was only studied in the buttocks, data points to it being an effective treatment for cellulite.

Cellulite injections are an FDA-approved, non-invasive way of ridding the appearance of cellulite. Although you may not get rid of it completely, you’ll notice smoother skin for a confident more you.

Risks and Results

It’s important to be realistic about results. However, studies do show that QWO will play a significant role in reducing cellulite. It won’t get rid of it completely, but it’ll help reduce the appearance overall.

It hasn’t yet been determined how long QWO lasts, only because it’s brand new. As it’s on the market for longer, more long-term results will become available.

As with any treatment, there are some risks involved. Many patients observed over six months reported bruising after their QWO injections. Some patients reported side effects localized to the injection site, such as pain, nodules forming, swelling, redness, a warm sensation, discoloration, and itching. It’s reported that one patient had a severe allergic reaction.

The long-term safety of QWO isn’t confirmed. 

Get Rid of Cellulite Today

If you’re ready to get rid of cellulite, then consider QWO injections. They’re the first and only FDA-approved treatment for cellulite reduction and can help you gain the confidence you deserve.

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Clare Louise