How Hair Supplements Improve Your Locks and Lashes

Do you want beautiful and healthy hair? And do you want your lashes to look full and stunning?

You have several ways to can keep your strands and lashes healthy and strong. Regular hygiene practices such as washing, conditioning, and regular cuts are always good for your hair. However, those practices don’t provide the nutrients your hair needs for health and strength.

That’s where hair supplements that are easy and convenient to take come in. Are you interested in learning how hair and eyelash vitamins can improve your locks and lashes? Read on.

Hair Supplements Promote Hair Growth

If your hair isn’t growing at a quick enough rate, you may want to incorporate supplements with vitamin A. Vitamin A accelerates the growth of the body’s cells, including the ones that promote hair growth. Vitamin A also helps your body produce sebum, an oily substance that moisturizes the scalp to promote faster and healthier hair growth.

Hair Supplements Prevent Hair Loss

A common hair and nail supplement ingredient is Vitamin B7/H or biotin. Studies have shown that a lack of biotin can lead to hair thinning and hair loss. Other B vitamins such as B12, B5, and folic acid are also helpful in preventing hair loss.

It’s important to note, however, that these vitamins are best used for preventative care. Once the hair starts to fall out, it is incredibly difficult to slow down or stop the process. 40% of women start losing their hair by 40, so start taking these supplements sooner rather than later.

Hair Supplements Eliminate Free Radicals

Free radicals are atoms in the body that cause illness and aging. Antioxidants like vitamin C and E can eliminate free radicals, but the body cannot produce them on its own. Therefore, you will need to take supplements to fight the aging effects of free radicals on your hair.

Hair Supplements Stimulate Hair Follicles

Supplements rich in zinc promote your scalps oil glands to produce oil that stimulates hair follicles to keep hair growing. Zinc can also build and repair hair tissue.

It’s also worth noting that vitamin D can actually help create new follicles, which is an excellent solution to hair loss. Take hair supplements with vitamin D as an ingredient, and be sure to step outside to get 15 minutes of sunlight to promote vitamin D.

Hair Supplements Strengthen Hair

All of these vitamins together are excellent for strengthening hair. Since hair supplements target hair growth from the very beginning, you’ll find that taking them will make your hair much stronger and less prone to damage.

With all of this in mind, you should start taking hair supplements immediately, and Sugarbear has some of the best hair supplements you can get. You’ll get the best hair vitamins and the best collagen gummies to promote hair growth and follicle health. You should also take advantage of the Sugarbear lash serum, with vitamins that make your lashes so strong and full-looking that after a while you won’t need mascara anymore.

Treat Your Hair Well

As you can see, hair supplements are a vital way to keep your hair healthy and strong. Give your scalp and your hair longer life and stronger health by adding these supplements to your daily routine.

For more hair care advice, check out our Beauty section.

Filomena Hartmann