How to Perfectly Style Silver Jewelry

Precious metals are one of the world’s oldest status statements. Whether you lived in Ancient Egypt, the Mayan Empire, Greece, or Rome, chances are, you wore silver or gold jewelry. Which metal is the most popular depends on shifting fashion trends.

Currently, silver jewelry is trending on social media. If you want to take advantage of this trend, read on to learn how to style silver jewelry with a variety of outfits.

Silver Is Subtle, but Eye-Catching

If there’s one thing people know and adore silver for, it’s subtlety. Silver seems more understated in an outfit than gold, but can still catch the eye. That’s why it’s best for people not to pair busy patterns with silver jewelry. The subtle sparkle can get overwhelmed by a pattern.

By the same token, you should wear silver with some subtlety. You don’t need to wear too many silver pieces at once to get the message across.

Silver Works Best With Simple and Subdued

Piggybacking off of the previous point, silver works best with simple and subdued styles. Doubly so if the silver pieces themselves are beautiful pieces of art from a custom maker.

If you want to see some examples of simple, yet beautifully crafted jewelry pieces by master artisans, check out the bracelets at There, you can buy silver jewelry from people willing to scour the globe for designer pieces.

Look for Contrasting Colors

You can also style silver jewelry by pairing it with contrasting colors. In fact, it tends to work best with darker shades like burgundy, navy, or black. While the subtle glint of silver against a light or white background can look amazing, the contrast really draws people in.

In general, remember that you should pair silver with cool-toned colors like blues and greens. Otherwise, it could clash with or wash out your gorgeous outfit ideas.

Pair Your Silver Jewelry With Your Neckline

If your silver jewelry of choice is a necklace, you must make sure to pair it with the neckline of your shirt or dress. For example, pendants and chains work best on turtlenecks or V-necks. Or, if you like bigger, chunkier pieces, you can pick out a scoop-necked shirt.

For halter or illusion necklines, it’s better not to wear a necklace, silver or otherwise. To do so would draw too much attention to the neck or away from the neckline of the outfit.

Don’t Be Afraid to Mix Metals

When wearing the best silver jewelry you can buy, don’t be afraid to mix your metals. Mixed metal tones are incredibly popular in modern fashion trends. What used to be an utter fashion faux pas is now a fun, edgy trend that you can take advantage of if you don’t have too much going on elsewhere in your outfit.

Looking for More Fashion and Jewelry Tips?

We hope that this guide to wearing silver jewelry in a fun and fashionable way taught you something new. However, the world of accessorizing is ever-changing and you may need additional help staying up to date. If so, then check out the Jewelry section of our blog each day for more articles like this one.

Drake Gutmann