How the Quality of Pearl Is Determined? 

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Pearl quality or the real value of pearl can be determined by combination of number of different factors. All these factors will include:

  • Type of pearl
  • Thickness of nacre
  • Luster
  • Surface cleanliness and texture
  • Shape
  • Color
  • Size.

Since pearl is naturally occurring and an organic gemstone which is created by certain living creatures, all these factors can vary widely.

All of these can affect the ultimate quality and value of an Akoya pearl, where few factors are more objective, while most others are a matter of individual taste or preference. Let us see how various factors influences the quality of a pearl.

Nacre will increase pearl quality

Pearls are actually created by nacre which is the real substance of this gemstone and all other characteristics like color and luster actually are characteristics of nacre itself. Typically, thicker is the nacre, more valuable your pearl is.

Luster is also important pearl quality factor

With luster of the pearl the brilliance and reflectivity of the pearl will be decided. Any high-quality pearls will be bright and shiny. Low-quality pearls will be more chalky or dull in appearance.

Smooth surface also means high pearl quality

Surface appearance of any pearl is one of the most critical characteristics. Its surface should be smoother and clean, with no bumps, discolorations, spots or any other disfiguring characteristics.

How different shapes can affect pearl quality?

Certain saltwater mollusks can only produce about 1 to 2 pearls in single nucleation while certain other pearls can be nucleated a number of times and can produce consistently fine pearls.

How color affects the pearl quality?

Color of the pearl color is also another area where certain valuable pearl can be either most suitable for some cases while for others it may not be. Pearl colors range can vary in the complete spectrum from black to white.

You can also find few naturally occurring colors like silver, champagne, cream, green and blue. However, color is a matter of individual test.

How size can influence pearl quality

Size of any pearl has direct relationship with quality and price. Any larger pearls will always command higher price. Size of the pearl is generally measured by the diameter of pearl in millimeters.
