Jewelry Safety 101: How Do You Keep Jewelry Safe at Home?

Thieves are everywhere, even in your house! That’s why it’s important to store your important belongings away at all times. Yes, at all times. So that not even your dog knows where your things are!

Have you ever stolen anything from your parents where you hide their belonging and they couldn’t find it? Just like that, except without the stealing. 

And if we’re talking about important belongings, we’re talking about pieces of jewelry and wallets. Speaking of jewelry, would you like to learn about jewelry safety?

And if you keep reading, we’ll tell you how. 

  1. Installing Cameras

Most people are aware that cameras are one of the most obvious but effective ways of protecting your home. In times of trouble, cameras can detect who invades your home

Set up cameras and security alarms all around your house. You’ll be thanking yourself if something ever happens. The best part? Cameras capture evidence so you don’t have to worry about gathering evidence later on. All you have to do is call the police.

And if the thieves were smart enough, they would notice your cameras and back off. Cameras and security alarms would already be protecting your home before anything happens. 

  1. Safe Box 

Another simple and effective method. Safe boxes come with locks. No one but you know the passcode. The heavier the box is, the unlucky the thieves are.

And even if your safe box is stolen, it’s nearly impossible for anyone to open it. So you’d still have a chance to retrieve your items. Better yet, the police would also be tracking them down. Plus, who’d be dumb enough to try stealing a box with locks? 

To add extra protection, never tell anyone your secret areas that could lead someone to know your safe box. This can decrease the chances of a break-in. Consider getting your own personal safety jewelry. 

  1. Acquire an Insurance Policy

Having a comprehensive plan is the best way to preserve your jewelry’s values. Depending on the value, your company can cover expenses if anything were to happen to your belongings. 

Before filing a claim, you will need to have your jewelry evaluated. Keep in mind that some options are more expensive than others. But that can’t be compared to the values of your jewelry collection. 

  1. Keep an Eye on Service Repairs

Most people aren’t mindful when it comes to being in other’s presence. That’s why it’s important to keep an eye on service repairs when they’re fixing something in your house.

If you happen to be away, ask a friend or a family member to take over while the people carry on their business. They’ll less likely to poke around. 

You never know who could sneakily take your things without you knowing. Remember: thieves could be anyone. You could save other people from getting their things stolen. 

  1. Be Mindful of Guests, Children, and Animals

Before you invite people over, make sure to secure your items in a safe place. If you’re not careful, a child can take your personal item without you knowing.

Animals can such as cats and dogs can knock over your personal items if you leave them out in the open. All of this can be prevented if you store your jewelry away. 

Are These Really All The Ways to Secure Your Jewelry? 

You can consider these to be the “standard” or “logical” ways of securing your belongings. While there’s no “correct” way to secure your things, you’d have to be clever about how you’re going about it.

So, it’d be wise to do any of the following above. Here’s the fun part: there are other unique ways to secure your jewelry, so keep on scrolling to learn more. 

But before you do, check out some of our jewelry that’s on sale right now at We also offer some FREE gifts starting at the price of $0. 

  1. Kitchen Pantry/Cleaning Supplies

When people are looking into prized possessions, people usually head towards drawers or cabinets in a room.

No one would think twice to search around the kitchen area. So, go ahead and hide your rings, earrings, and bracelets in one of these pots in protective material. 

  1. Inside a Closet

If your closet comes with extra storage somewhere, you can try hiding your belongings. Where you hide your jewels depends on the way your closest was built. 

  1. Hollow Door

If you have a hollow door, go ahead and cut the top area and place your jewels then close it. Another idea is to tape the jewels on the bottom of the door frame. Make sure the carpet doesn’t rub against the floor. 

  1. Air Vents

You can buy a fake air vent to store your valuable things as burglars won’t bother to check in air vents. If possible, perhaps one of your real air vents can have a place to store your jewelry. 

  1. Soccer Ball

Cut out a piece of the soccer ball open and place wrapped jewelry inside the ball taped. This way when someone shakes the ball they won’t be able to feel anything inside.

Make to seal the opened part of the ball with clear cement glue. You can place the ball where it belongs and no one would suspect a thing. 

  1. Loose Bricks 

If you have any loose bricks around your house, gently remove one and place sealed jewelry inside. Try to see if you find a loose brick around your fireplace. 

  1. Wall Outlet

Just like with air vents, you can buy a fake wall outlet and store valuable items and place it against a wall. No one would think twice about trying to open an outlet that’s used for charging. 

  1. Baseboards

You can place a fake baseboard prop between the floor and the bottom of a wall. You can use this space to store any items depending on the stage. 

  1. Pillows, Shoes, Clothes

If you have an inner pocket from any shirt or pants, you can hide an item inside. Any shoes you may not use can work as well. As for pillows, if your pillow has any zipper inside you can put stuff inside there. Don’t want to put your favorite item away? No problem. Check out some smart jewelry to try out. 

  1. Diversion Safes

Diversion safes can range from books to a brush, water bottle, and even a rock! Your best bet would be is to store your valuable things in these safes since burglars wouldn’t think about checking them. They look like your everyday household items. 

  1. Bathroom Storage

You can make a hole inside a bathroom tile, put your items, then close it. Burglars would never look inside a bathroom tile. Once you hide your belongings in secret places, make sure to make a note to yourself using codes so you don’t forget. 

Importance of Jewelry Safety

For any jewelry lovers out there, before you consider purchasing expensive things it’s important to learn some jewelry safety tips in case your home gets robbed or to protect your things from thieves.

A quick tip: have your trusted family keep important information amongst themselves. If you want to tell a close family member, share it close to their ear or behind closed doors where no one can hear. The key is to be discreet about who and how you’re sharing it. 

Want more tips on jewelry safety? Check us out on our blog for more of these to come! 

Orrin Dibbert