This phenomenon that has continued to develop in society in the past decade has seen more and more enthusiasts compared to buying goods directly to the shop ( offline ). It must be admitted that the popularity of e-commerce in this country is an indicator of increasing people’s purchasing power. Not only the population with the upper middle economic level, which are classified as middle and lower middle levels are also affected by this trend. Even so, this turned out to have several good and bad impacts on society. Here recommendation for online shop

Let’s take a look at the positive and negative impacts of the online shopping phenomenon :

Practical and Efficient

The thing that makes online shopping so addicting is its practicality, you don’t need to be complicated because you only need a smartphone to start making transactions. Besides being practical, online shops also offer very fast time efficiency. In just a few minutes, you can make a transaction and you just have to wait for the goods to be sent home.

Various options

With online shopping , there are more options that you can decide for yourself. Especially when you enter a national / international online store , the types of goods are more varied and can be adjusted to your lifestyle and even fill your pockets.

Ease of getting the desired item is one of the features provided in the online shopping application . In addition, it is also easier for you to get cheap / affordable and good quality goods by comparing the same items from several online shop sites .

Many promos / discounts and cashback

Remember Friend, “Life Is Easy If We Know How”. If you want to buy a product at a certain price and time, many online shopping applications provide promos / discounts and even cashback . Marketing strategies like this are proven to be effective in attracting customer interest in a brand . This is very good for both parties, apart from making the online shop that you buy , it can certainly save your finances, friend.

Payment System Easier

Easy payment systems are an advantage of online shopping that customers love. Starting from transfers to several bank accounts, using credit cards, payment vouchers and so on, are euphoria for online shopping enthusiasts . Remember friends, even some e-commerce also provide payment options in installments. it’s really fun, but remember, buy items as needed and avoid impulse buying just because of cursory desires.

Orrin Dibbert