Top 3 Essential Benefits of Using Beard Oil

Beards have gone in and out of style throughout the course of history. The significance of a beard also varies by culture. Today, beards have become a sign of sophistication — when properly cared for, of course. 

A beautiful beard needs to be washed regularly to get rid of food particles and dead skin cells. all that washing, however, can easily dry out a beard, and even the skin underneath. This is why beard oil is so essential. 

Beard oil keeps the hair and skin beneath it moisturized and healthy. To find out more reasons why applying beard oil should be a regular part of your routine, check out the information below. 

  1. It Hydrates the Hair

Every hair has a moisture barrier to lock moisture in. It is a complex design of interlocking cells and a fatty, oily layer. These cells get fatigued with repeated hair washing when they swell with water and contract as they dry. 

Some signs of damage may result from this fatigue. Common signs include frizziness, breakage, dullness, brittleness, and a gummy texture. 

Beard oil provides an extra layer of protection for a fatigued moisture barrier. It supplements the fatty layer that gets stripped away by hair cleaning products. 

  1. It Improves Skin

The skin beneath a beard is also susceptible to damage. Without regular washes, dead skin cells and food particles stay trapped in the beard, often leading to itchiness and even unsightly dandruff. 

However, washing regularly can also dry out the skin. Again, this is why beard oil is so important. It not only hydrates the hair but the skin beneath it. 

Hair and skin work together to grow a beautiful beard. In fact, beard hair absorbs natural oils from the skin beneath it, so it needs to be replenished with beard oil.

  1. It Smells Nice

Scent is not the most important quality of beard oil, but it’s certainly a nice effect. This is especially true for those with significant others who often come in close contact with the beard. 

It may take a bit of experimenting to find the right scent for your beard oil. Try to look for an oil with a soft, natural scent. Something too overpowering may be off-putting, even to you. Smelling a strong scent all day may even cause a headache. 

Some popular essential oils for beards include peppermint oil, lavender oil, and rosemary oil. These are fresh and natural scents. 

Beard Oil and Beard Care

Applying beard oil is just one step in the beard care process. The first step, and possibly the most difficult, is to wait patiently as the beard fills out. As it grows, make sure to wash it a few times a week with a nourishing beard wash. Beard oil, however, should be applied every morning and night.

For more articles on the best products for beards, take a second to browse our page. 

Drake Gutmann