Tricks to Make a Flagpole in a Narrow Home Yard

This year the Indonesian people celebrate the 70th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. That is a sign that various competitions and attractions will be held to enliven it. Various traditions such as climbing areca nut, cracker eating competitions, to lion dance performances are always held to enliven and entertain people in villages and cities.

Although it is always enlivened by various unique competitions traditions, there is one thing that is increasingly forgotten in each independence anniversary celebration, namely raising the red and white flag in the yard. There are many reasons for that, ranging from laziness to the reason that the house does not have a yard to fly the red and white flag.

There is no reason for you not to raise the red and white flag on Independence Day. Considering that you only need to provide a drill, pipe, wood blocks, and paint to make a simple flagpole at home. You can buy confederate flag in

The first step you have to do is to spray the pipe with white spray paint or match the color of the house. In addition to adding an aesthetic impression to the flagpole, this is also done to remove the brand that is attached to the pipe.

Once the pipe posts are ready for use, all you have to do next is cut the wooden blocks so they are about 20 cm long, and cut them 45 degrees at the ends. Drill the center of the wood to be used as the base of the flagpole, adjust the hole to the size of the circumference of the flagpole pipe.

Use the spray paint again to color the base that matches the color of the flagpole, then attach it to the front of your house. After the base is attached, insert the flagpole pipe and let the red and white flag fly in your home on 17 August. Good luck, be free!

Stephanie Keebler