How to Choose the Best Wicker Chairs for Your Outdoor Area

Selecting the perfect wicker chairs for your outdoor space can be a daunting task, especially without expert guidance to help you navigate the diverse designs, materials and features of these unique pieces of outdoor furniture. This article will guide you through all of the steps you should take to choose the best wicker chairs for your outdoor area, highlighting some key attributes to look out for during the selection process.

Carry Out Comprehensive Research

The first step involves conducting thorough research. Start by browsing online directories and home décor platforms that list professional furniture retailers in your area and compile a shortlist of stores or brands that offer appealing options. Pay attention to the chair designs, durability and any past customer reviews or testimonials left by previous buyers. A retailer with positive reviews and a proven track record in outdoor furniture is likely to provide high-quality products as well as excellent customer service, both of which will be important factors in helping you find the best options for your space and budget.

Consider Their Design

Wicker chairs come in a wide variety of designs, from traditional to modern. It’s crucial to ensure that the chair you choose complements the existing décor and style of your outdoor area without overpowering the space. A wicker chair that matches your aesthetic preferences will not only serve its functional purpose, but also contribute positively to the overall ambiance of your outdoor space and make it a more enjoyable space to spend time in.

Look for Quality Pieces

It’s essential to verify the quality of potential wicker chairs. Ensure they’re made from durable materials and feature sturdy construction. The prospective chairs you’re thinking of buying should also have been treated for outdoor use so they can withstand weather elements such as sun, rain and wind. High-quality wicker chairs indicate adherence to superior craftsmanship standards and the brand’s commitment to offering long-lasting products. If you’re not sure how to distinguish quality wicker chairs from subpar or even faux wicker, it’s best to speak to an outdoor furniture salesperson who can guide you in the right direction.

Assess Comfort

Before finalising your purchase, it’s important to assess the comfort level of the wicker chairs. This can be done by physically trying them out if possible, or getting a large number of customer reviews together that specifically reference their comfort. Consider features such as cushioning, back support and seat width. A more comfortable wicker chair will enhance your enjoyment of your outdoor area and encourage more frequent use.

Consider Maintenance

Outdoor furniture often requires regular maintenance due to exposure to the elements. Make sure to choose wicker chairs that are easy to clean and maintain. They should be able to withstand fluctuating weather conditions without fading or becoming damaged. Your chosen wicker chairs should also align with your willingness and ability to maintain them. If you’re not comfortable with conducting semi-regular furniture maintenance, you may need to reassess whether wicker is the right material for you.

Ask for Recommendations

Another effective way to find high-quality wicker chairs is through recommendations from friends, family or colleagues who may have recently purchased outdoor furniture. Their first-hand experiences can provide valuable insights into a specific brand’s product quality, durability and customer service. This can greatly streamline the search process and make it more likely that you’ll end up a high-quality wicker chair.


Choosing the best wicker chairs for your outdoor area involves careful research, consideration of design, verification of quality, a physical assessment of their comfort and consideration of their maintenance requirements. By following these steps, you can find the best pieces that will enhance both the aesthetics and functionality of your outdoor spaces.

Orrin Dibbert